Porridge & Play Whiteinch Week 4

Our last session of this block's Porridge & Play Whiteinch 2024

Whiteinch Blog!

Love letters, Chefs, a massive birthday cake & a feast!

Our last session at Whiteinch Library felt like a great big party and although everyone was a bit sad that it was the last one of this year we all cheered up very quickly with a Dancing Warm up. We decided to send Letters to our Loves! But we kept dropping them! and then we had to try and guess WHO had picked the letter up and put it in their pocket?! It was hilarious!

We dressed up today as Chef’s from around the World so that we could make a very special Birthday Cake for Taz’s neighbour Fred, who apparently is very very old…

Thankfully we had a very colourful array of international Chef’s giving Taz a helping hand!

There was Chef Amjad who makes fried chicken and ketchup and comes from Iran,

Chef Deon who comes from France & America and makes Spiderman pizza and Spiderman hot dogs.

Also, there was Chef Casey – he makes cake with meatballs and tomato sauce and

Chef Nina who comes from the ground! – ‘I dug myself up with a spoon!’

There was Chef Grace who makes princess pizza and Chef Mohammad from Pakistan who makes chicken and ketchup.

From Poland we had Chef Special, she makes strawberries and cream and Ninja Chef – ‘I use my sword to cut my ingredients!’

And finally, Chef Cole from the South of France – ‘I’m called Sports Burrito Chef, and my cake has ice cream!’

This was promising! All those experts in cooking and baking sure could come up with an out of this world Birthday Cake!

Ingredients from all our chefs:

Chef Grace & Chef Pauline – eggs!

Chef Angelika – Milk!

Chef Deon – Spiderman power flower!

Chef Casey- light chocolate choc chips!

Chef Milad & Chef Amjad – Korean Noodles & popcorn!

Chef Sara- Cake in the cake! But wait! What flavours does your neighbour like? Vanilla? So vanilla cake in the cake then!

Chef Nina – cake & meat!

Chef Semra- Frogs!

Chef Nico- rainbow chocolate!

Chef Mohammad- Spider meat!

And Chef Zehra – sliced peperoni & cheese!

Stir in everything! Stir in everything! Stir and stir and stir!

Put the cake mix in the baking cake tin.

Carefully bake it in the oven and then…

Decorate with:

Chef Amjad- green noodles!

Chef Grace – Halloween decorations!

Chef Nico – lemon frosting!

Chef Sara – a handful of sprinkles for every Chef to sprinkle over the top! Oh, and what’s your neighbours age? 324? So here are 324 candles for everyone to put on the cake! GO!

Taz’s neighbour Fred absolutely loved his Birthday Cake, and he shared it with all the Chefs with a lovely cup of tea. Thank you, Chefs!!

After all that we were looking forward to our meal and the Whiteinch families had brought delicious treats to share with everyone. There was rice and peas with meat, pierogi, chocolate cupcakes, sesame cupcakes, noodles, sweet dumplings, coconut slices, choc biscuits, pretzel sticks, juice and hot chocolate! And our usual lovely fruit, bread, cheese, boiled eggs and jam! What a feast!

The Licketyspit Art Gallery was very colourful and we all enjoyed talking to our artists.

What a fabulous last session with our Whiteinch friends! Thanks so much for sharing all of your great ideas and vivid imaginations. Can’t wait to do it all again soon!

Cami, Nerea, Virginia, Taz and The Whiteinch Friends


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



This is the running around when you dropped the letter for your love! And thats me closing my eyes!

This is my mum and this is my and this is Shay and this is my nana and baby Leah. And thats a pumpkin!


This is when were were dancing. This is a gift for my neighbour Fred! 322 candles on a cake! This is me as a ninja chef.


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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com