Porridge & Play Whiteinch Week 2

Porridge & Play Whiteinch 2024

Whiteinch Blog!

We did our Dancing Warm-up to start the session and then we met fantastic Funky Chicken animals like Aaliyah’s Silly Spider; Katie’s Hopping Horse, Nina’s Evil Cat, Mohammad’s Angry Dinosaur and Sara’s Sad Dog!

We all dressed up as Forest Creatures! Sara was a bat, Muhammad was a lion, Katie was a panther, Marie was a special ladybird! Amjad was a tree, Oleg was a mushroom! and Freya was a forest princess! What a hoot!

Now in this forest we discovered there were lots of Wolves! There was Nico Flower who lives underground with 3 Wolfy Cubs! There was Wolfy Bad-Tree who stands up in a tree! Wolfy Muhammad lives in the ground by himself, Wolfy Amjad (a were-wolf!) lives in a mansion, Wolf Berry lives in a shop selling food and Wolves Freya and Milad live in houses!

The only Forest Creatures who know the time are the Wolves – because they all have a wonderful watch! Wolfy Bad-Tree got his from the garbage! Wolfy Nina got hers in a very expensive shop, Wolfy Mohammad has a Rolex , Wolf Berry’s watch is silver and Wolf Cole has an amazing gold and black watch!

This means that all the other forest creatures can only find out what the time is by asking – What’s the Time Mr Wolf? BUT!!! They have to be very careful to try not to ask him when it’s DINNER TIME!!!! When it’s not Dinner Time Mr Wolf does lots of other things which the creatures can do too! Like – going swimming, playing basketball or washing dishes But when it’s DINNER TIME Mr Wolf likes to eat Forest Creatures!!!! So they have to run away FAST!

Everyone did brilliant reflective drawings before we had our feast and chose this week’s library books.

This week the Librarians had found us books about …..Forest Creatures! (and other animals!)

We ran out of time this week but next week we would like to hear what you thought about a book you took home this week – if you did), what it’s about and if you would recommend it to other families?

Before we finished we all sang the song Three Craws! There was the Craw who “Couldna Flee Ataaa!” The Craw who “Fell an broke his jaw!” the Craw who was ‘Greetin’ for his Maw!” and the Craw who ‘Wasna there Ataw!” What fun!

See you next week!

Please come at 3.50 to start at 4pm sharp so we have a really full and relaxed fun session with no interruptions! THANK YOU!

Love, Cami, Andre, Virginia & all at Licketyspit xxx


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



‘This is a were wolf and the monsters – it’s Whats the Time Mr Wolf. The humans are creatures!’


‘We’re in the circle and were playing Funky Chicken!’

Thats the world, that’s Scotland, thats me, and that’s where I live!’


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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com