Porridge & Play Whiteinch Week 1

Porridge & Play Whiteinch 2024

Whiteinch Blog!

It was fantastic to be back in the Library again with Porridge & Play Whiteinch.

We had a great group of families with 20 children, 13 grownups plus the Licketyspit actor- pedagogues – Cami, Andre, Steven & Virginia – so we got off to a flying start!

And course we had Kevan the Librarian to welcome us all.

To warm up we made ourselves as –

Big as a Bear &

as Fast as a Hare.

As strong as an Ox &

as Sneaky as a Fox,

As soft as a Cat &

As Nibbly as a Rat!

Fly high as a Bird,

Flying Up,

Flying Down,



Round & Round,

Till you land on your Nest!

have a little Rest!

what’s this I have found?

It’s hard & it’s round…

it’s an EGG!

An Egg I have found!

An egg, an egg,

so BIG and so ROUND!

it Wibbles,

it Wobbles

and suddenly


A Beak,

two wings?

well fancy that!

Out pops a bird

with a Quack, quack, quack!

We played Funky Chicken and we met the Evil Cat, Funny Dog, Crazy Chicken, Evil Spider, Spider-Man pig! Happy Dog, Craxy Bunny, Evil dog, Scary spider, Happy Falcon, Happy Dog & Craxy Bunnie & more!

We blew up our balloons & flew high in the sky over Glasgow – so high that the trees looked like broccoli and the people looked like ants! We saw the great river Clyde snaking across the city, a bear and a dragon! The Naughty seagull popped our balloons so we all blew up another balloon & flew over the whole world!

(The library found fantastic books about all the places in the world we saw from our Flying Balloons – so everyone could choose books to take home after the session to find out more about the places we saw! Next week if you like you can tell us about your book)

Then we all dressed up as fabulous Grandmas & did the Grandma rhyme. The grannies were fantastic! We played Monsters Footsteps! Where the trees turn into monsters and creep up on the granny whenever she goes into her kitchen for breakfast! But when she hears them & turns round – all she can see is trees! But trees strangely closer to her house!

Everyone made a Reflective drawing before we all sat around the table & had a great feast of bread & cheese & eggs & fruit and had a chat.

The gallery was fabulous! You can see some of the pictures here! We will put up different peoples pictures each week!

We finished with the Magic Clap and we all went home!

We were so happy to see old friends and to Meet so many new families. We can’t wait to see you all again next week!

Thank you for coming!

Remember you can find a balloon in your pocket & fly over the world any time you like!

See you next week!

Love from

Andre, Cami, Virginia & Steven! 🤗🤗🤗🤗


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



‘So these are the grannies and these are the trees.’
‘It’s a rainbow and this is a beeeeoooow. A potato! Its for my mum.’

‘This is Franky, skateboarding, thats me.’

‘This is the game that we di – the monsters footsteps, this is the trees and this is the ground.’


In Partnership With

Visit the Porridge & Play Page
Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com