A Witchy Week 1 in Ruchill

Porridge & Play Govan Week 1

Saturday 15th October 2022

Well! What a super spooky Witchtastic session we had today at Porridge and Play with Licketyspit. After warming up our bodies and minds with a big old boogie and making up some crazy new animals, we went flying off in a bunch of magic, colourful balloons. It was so exciting! We saw Spain and Sudan, ate Donald flavoured ice-cream and found Polar bears.

However, on the way back, we happened upon a rather weird and definitely wonderful selection of witches.

The first one we were introduced to was a fine young witch named Witch David, who had quite a cackle and had come from Witchland. He kindly explained that he  lived in a spooky house and loves to eat….wait for it…. Human’s feet!!! Can you believe it? I wonder what they taste like? I’m sure a Donald flavoured ice-cream might be nicer or even an onion one! Apparently, he came here on a stick!

Then there was Witchy Susu from a house and not just any old house, a Pink Palace! Witchy Susu cackled and said she liked to eat blood!!! I have never encountered such a scary cackle  as that of Witchy Susu! It was just spooktacular!

Also flying around, was Witchy Mohammed, who came from a monster and lived inside a house tree stick. He had travelled here with the aid of a small stick and let us into a little witchy secret that he likes pineapple.

I wonder if pineapples are magical – maybe this is why Witchy Mohammed is such a powerful witch?

And, let’s not forget Witchy Jamie, from Babayaga Land, who just happened to live in the biggest house in all the land. His house has 2 rooms and he likes to eat …children! Yikes! We had to run fast that time!

Luckily we still had our feet, because Witchy David hadn’t managed to eat them! Feet are so important when running from scary witches.

But we were a brave crew and had courage enough to meet another fantastic witch who went by the name of Witchy Daniel! It turned out he had come from Jupiter and had reached us by teleporting!  He said where he came from there was a dreamland full of blood and that he likes to eat carcasses!

Well, that was it!!! We had to run like the wind that time and lucky for us, we escaped and found food! Mighty tasty food, and, amongst all the lovely soup and bread and jam and fruit, was pineapple!  I wonder if it belonged to Witchy Mohammed?

Watch out, you might find you’ve gained a few new superpowers this week!

I wonder what next Saturday will bring?

See you then!

Sarah, Andre and Cami

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!

Some of your reflective drawings and what you said about them.

What you said

I like the idea for the circle so we can see each other  – it’s close, and it feels like we’re all together, it’s very nice. Feels like comfortable.


That’s the light and thats the balloon and thats the me.


This is Spain and the people inside it and this guy’s jumping. The other people are dancing.


Thats Dad doing the monkey dance. And I also drew the floor.


About the project

Porridge & Play Ruchill is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund as part of Big Porridge & Play Glasgow.

Licketyspit has run Porridge & Play in Ruchill since 2017 with a pause over the pandemic.

You can find more information on Licketyspit here.

Porridge & Play Ruchill Page

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There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

Over to you!

We also love to share your creativity with other families in the Children & Families Network.

Children we work with have created poems, songs, raps, puppets, video tours, recipes and more.

Check them out!

Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com