The Grown-Ups take charge of play!

Porridge & Play Cranhill

Porridge & Play Cranhill is back! Find out what the Cranhill group get up to in their Porridge & Play Hub adventures each week! Block 3 is all about YOU! We are getting ready to make our AllScot Playcards which will be inspired by all your games and Stories. The AllScot Playcards will be on display at our Storyplay Festival which will be happening on Saturday September 17th!

Find all of Porridge & Play Cranhill’s adventures here!

Blog posts are written by Effie!

Block 3 Week 2 of Porridge & Play Cranhill

Thursday 11th August

A huge thank you to all of our grown-ups for sharing your childhood games and songs with us today. Isn’t it amazing how there are so many similar games across different continents?

 Folashade came up first to teach us all how to play Tinko Tinko which is a clapping game you can play in pairs. Each player starts with one hand facing up and we move our other hand from the other person’s hand back to your own, saying ‘Tinko, Tinko, Tinko’ and then clapping your hands together with your friends.

You get faster and faster and faster. Some of you were moving so quickly we could barely see your hands meet! It was amazing.

 Razieyh told us about a game called Six Houses. You draw out six boxes on the ground like this:

You then write numbers 1-6 in the boxes. You stand outside the boxes and throw a stone to see how far it goes and then you have to hop all the way there and pick up the stone before going again and trying to get all the way to the end. Lots of our grown-ups and our children recognised versions of this game but everyone had slightly different rules and different names! It’s a very popular game across the world it seems!

 Joy told us about a similar game where they drew lines right across the room and had to hop from one side to the other but if you put your foot down you lost and it was someone else’s turn. She also told us a rhyme from her village that goes like this:

 ‘Eat family eat the rice, Abacker must have swallowed it, fish must have eaten it, eat family eat the rice eat family eat the rice, Abacker must have swallowed it, fish must have eaten it, ah eh oh oh!’

Folashade and Beauty knew this song too and we all had a go at singing it altogether!

Beauty taught us another rhyme that led into a brilliant FREEZE game. We all stood in a circle holding hands and said:

‘Willy Willy, Willy Oh! Mother in the kitchen cooking rice, father in the parlour watching film, children in the garden play football.’

Then if she said CHANGE STANCE you had to change what position you were standing in… and keep going until she said STAY LIKE THAT! If you moved when she said STAY LIKE THAT you were out! A bit like musical statues. We were having so much fun that even when we were ‘out’ we kept playing! It wasn’t the winning that mattered, it was just playing the game!

 Aleena then had another circle game for us all to play, but this time we all sat down. This game is called Chiri Udi Kan Uda which means Sparrow fly, Cow fly.

In this game everyone has one finger down on the floor and you say that ‘something flies’. It can be true or false and you can try to trick everyone!

If you say ‘sparrow flies’ then everyone has to lift their finger up and then put it back down!

BUT if you say ‘cow flies’ then you cannot move your finger – because cows don’t fly!!!

We had so much fun coming up with all sorts of different things to say. Aleena told us that she played this with her brothers and sisters when she was young and now she plays it with her own children!

There were so many more games mentioned by everyone – Hide n Seek, Tic Tac Toe, Cricket, Ludo and I loved hearing about all of them. I can’t wait to hear what games the children like to play when they’re not at Licketyspit next week. And then we’re one step closer to creating our ALLSCOTS Playcards!

Blog by Effie
(Andre, Rhianne and Porridge & Play Cranhill)

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!

In Partnership With

Porridge & Play Castlemilk is a New Scots Integration Project by Licketyspit, in collaboration with Indigo Childcare.

 What is happening in block 3 for Porridge & Play Cranhill?

After such exciting trips out we are venturing back to our hub this July and August and will be coming together to create our new AllScot Playcards!

These Playcards will already be like the existing Licketyspit ones, but will be created with the games you play and played as children, and new ones we make up together! You’ll be able to see them – and play them –  at our Storyplay Festival on Saturday 17th September!

Storyplay Festival!

P.s. we’re holding our FIRST EVER Storyplay Festival on Saturday 17th September!!

For families with 3-8 year olds (older/younger siblings welcome).

Let us know if you’re planning to come by emailing

We’re coming!