LicketyLeap Session 2 – Revisiting & sharing with families!

4th March 2020

It was great to meet again and talk and remember our journey through the BOG over the SEA into the CAVE and up the MOUNTAIN to find our HEART’S DESIRE! We talked about our Heart’s Desire – whether there was something we’d like most in the world that would make us very happy? You can see the children’s answers below.

We did the whole LicketyLeap adventure again ourselves this week but this week we just did it with a white blanket and two red berets!

We pretended to be Happy Margaret and Worried Margaret popping out from behind the curtain to the music – it was very funny! Then we made the blanket into the bog, the sea, under the sea, the cave, the bear, the bird and the mountain!

In the morning Kyra, Tierney and Junior were the Bear and in the afternoon it was Lexi, Dale and Euan. The bears roared but they cried when we shouted ‘Poo Poo Bear!’ and we had to clap them to make them feel better and feed them! Liam, Lujain, Iona and Babecer were the Bird – and spoke Bird! They carried us all up the mountain on their backs! We looked down far below us and we could see everything – the Fishy Lady in her Boat (Ewan and Julie were the Fishy Lady); the Bear, the bird, the bog, the sea…our houses & people we know!

Junior turned into a brilliant Oogly Boogly Lady in the morning! And so did Lexi in the afternoon!

Everyone remembered the story so well – the fish they’d seen, the treasure they’d found, the fish they’d tasted – the hedgehogs some of us found in the burrow and used our cloaks to hold so we didn’t get prickled!

Lots of our families came to join us and see the film and some of us being Margarets and find out about our adventures! Any parents who would like to watch the whole 90min LicketyLeap film with their child in the library can. We will let you know the times next week!

Thank you for coming! We hope to see you Wednesday the 18th March at 1pm for Porridge & Play!

Priary 2 Heart’s Desires

To have a little fluffy dog to play with or a Guinea pig

Tierney, Miltonbank P2

The beach in Turkey with his Dad, be really hot.

Liam, Miltonbank P2

Go to my friend’s house to play

Julie, Miltonbank P2

A green and yellow kitten – would make me happy!

Junior, Miltonbank P2

Eating rainbow sprinkle ice-cream!

Ben, Miltonbank P2

To get more football cards

Dale – his dog to jump 4 miles high

Babacer – to have a speedy dog and a mcdonalds meal with everyone in school

James – more football cards and the golden ball card

Euan – to play football because he’d never played it before, with jaymes and maybe for Rangers

Rylan, Miltonbank P2

To have a rabbit

Lujain, Miltonbank P2

Go play with my dog in the park

Ryan, Miltonbank P2

More football cards and the golden ball card

Jaymes, Miltonbank P2

To play football because I’ve never played it before, with Jaymes

Euan, Miltonbank P2

To have a speedy dog and a mcdonalds meal with everyone in school

Babacer, Miltonbank P2

For my dog to jump 4 miles high!

Dale, Miltonbank P2

To go on holiday to the eiffel tower with her mum, dad and wee brother

Lacey, Miltonbank P2

Go to my friend’s house to play

Kyra, P2 Miltonbank

Get my daddy to do my hair

Lexi, P2 Miltonbank

Puppy to play with to take it everywhere and call it Sophie

Nicola, P2 Miltonbank

To ride a horse to the eiffel tower

Iona, P2 Miltonbank
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