Porridge & Play Week 4 at the Oakgrove Primary!

Porridge & Play Maryhill 2024

Find out what the Maryhill Group got up to during our Porridge & Play Session at Oakgrove Primary!

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Celebrate good times!

We had so much fun at Oakgrove Primary – as per usual! Time flies when you’re having fun and these weeks have gone so quickly!

We started the day by saying hello to all the friendly faces. Then we made ourselves as big as a tree! A fun little warm-up to get the body and imagination ready to play! Next, we played My Name is Joe. It’s about a guy named Joe who works in a button factory but his boss asks way too much of him! Oh Joe – I hope one day you can tell your boss that you are too busy!!

After Joe’s crazy day at work, we met some amazing forest creatures! Alex was a Little Hamster who eats carrots. We met Khadeejah who was a Little Chipmunk who eats spaghetti! I wonder how you make spaghetti in a forest? Anyway, after that we met Shirley the Rabbit and Kenan the Dog who eats rabbits!! Oh no! Don’t worry folks, Shirley was kept safe. We also met Amira who was a Beautiful Butterfly.

After becoming forest creatures we thought that it’d be a perfect time to play ‘What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?’. First up was Wolfy Wox (Noor) who lives in the forest and eats bones! She must have really strong teeth!! Then we met Wolfy Ahyan & Muaz who speak lots of languages and do lots of chores. Some of the cleanest wolves I’ve ever seen – the forest was immaculate!

The wolves of the forest gave us lots and lots of tasks such as cleaning, dancing, watching TV, and even resting! Then, we found a piece of the magic ball. We transported ourselves from Oakgrove Primary all the way to a beach in China – halfway across the world! It was a really long journey and but luckily Amira had brought sandwiches for everyone. We had some delicious sandwiches and felt a new burst of energy – ready for the next adventure.

We checked the beach for jellyfish, to make sure it was safe to swim! – it was! We saw lots of wildlife such as seagulls, octopuses and even dolphins. We swam for hours and then decided to go deep down under the ocean! Sarah guided us and we explored what the ocean had to offer. We found an old shipwreck and guess what we found there… treasure! We couldn’t believe our eyes. There was so much gold. We played with the gold when suddenly we were approached by a bearded mermaid.!!!

The Bearded Mermaid looked really mad. He said that the treasure was his and that we shouldn’t play with it. We thought that he should try playing with the gold himself! It turns out, the bearded mermaid didn’t have many friends – so we decided to become friends and play with the gold together! It was lots of fun. To finish off our underwater adventure, we fed the mermaid the leftover sandwiches! He ate them all up and thanked us for bringing food and friendship.

We made it back to the shore and found our magic ball , said the magic words and it took us all the way back across the world to Oakgrove Primary just in time for our celebration feast! Steven had made a lentil soup and some of the families had brought in some delicious food! Zeenat brought vegetable pakora with a mint yoghurt dip, Shirley brought pork dumplings, Mai brought hard-boiled eggs, Angela brought plantain and cheese empanadas and Ruquyyah brought a peanut stew with bread made from rice! And for dessert, Agnieszka brought banana bread and Amor brought muffins! Wow, we were absolutely stuffed afterwards. A great meal to finish the block with – it was an amazing celebration.

Thank you to everyone who came these last four weeks! We’ve had so much fun playing with you all. But don’t worry, the fun doesn’t stop here! Licketyspit are hosting special summer sessions so it’s goodbye-for now, not forever!

Lots of love,

Steven, Sarah, Cami, Virginia & Iona




‘Yellow, red’

Favourite part – orange


‘Magic ball! This is me and I fall down and this is everybody else falling down and this is my mum falling down. This is other people’s mums. This is me and this is my mum’

Favourite part – magic ball

‘Well, this is mr wolf yelling that it’s dinner time so this is the forest creatures playing with Mr. Wolf. The butterfly, the rocks, the rabbit and I couldn’t remember!’

‘It’s ice cream island. [It’s] scoops. They’re icing. [That’s] all of us.’

Favourite part – the wolf


‘That’s the battleship. [That’s] the grass’

Favourite part – the drawing

‘It’s a rocket. [It’s going] to Mars’


‘A mermaid’

Favourite part – playing games


‘I wanted to draw China but I am very bad at drawing so this is easier for me and so I did a forest. In my country there are pink dolphins in the Amazon’

Favourite part – I liked the wolf and, of course, the magic ball

‘It’s the magic ball’

‘A wolf washing the dishes and that’s the forest’

Favourite part – everything!


‘This is the sun, the floating balloons, a shark and the river and China!’

Favourite part – everything!



Favourite part – apple

‘The blue one is the sea and my hands’
‘That’s last week and this is today. That’s everyone together and the food’

In Partnership With

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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com