Storyplay Ibrox
Welcome to Storyplay at Ibrox!
This term Ibrox Primary & Nursery are working with Licketyspit on Storyplay. Storyplay is about everyone in the school community sharing stories, games, rhymes, songs and imaginary play activities. This is inclusive play which develops children’s confidence, social skills and literacy, as well as developing friendships and creativity.
We will be updating this page to share what’s happening in the Ibrox Storyplay sessions throughout the project.
Please join our Children & Families Network – by clicking Register Now on the top right of the website, or by handing your form back into the school – to receive play ideas and hear about family events and opportunities in Glasgow.
The wonderful thing about having children is that we have a reason to play and play is great for all of us, whatever our age! Children can share their Storyplay experiences with the whole family! We would love to hear from you if your children have taught you to play our games. Please also tell your children any games you used to play so they can share them at school.
There will be a Storyplay Art & Story Exhibition and Celebration Assembly later this term.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you and your children. You will see our team –
Ruby, Taz, Virginia and Effie – around the school in our stripy tops. Do come and say hello!
You can find out more about Licketyspit via this website and our social media.
What have we been doing in Ibrox Storyplay?
How YOU can help shape a revolution in children’s rights!
Why are we so excited? Last week, something happened which made us very happy here at Licketyspit! In a big document outlining their plans for the next year the [...]
Video: Grandma, Grandma
Virginia and Iona teach you the Grandma, Grandma song, from the Lickety Playcard Repertoire! Watch the video and join in with us from home - it's easy to learn and lots [...]
Over To You #2: Poetry and performance!
For the next few weeks, we're handing things over to you! As many of you will know, after our Zoom play sessions, and at the end of our Activity Films, we always ask people [...]
Over to you #1
Over the next few weeks, we're handing things over to you! As many of you will know, after our Zoom play sessions, and at the end of our Activity Films, we always ask people to [...]
Govan, Milton, Easterhouse Online Sessions
Community sessions have started online! 21st May 2020 We may all be at home, but in our imaginations we can go anywhere, be anyone, do anything. All we need to play is each other! [...]
Big Porridge & Play is Going Online!
Licketyspit Press Release 28/04/2020 We may all be at home, but in our imaginations we can go anywhere, be anyone, do anything. All we need to play is each other! Scotland’s pioneering intergenerational imaginary play [...]
Licketyspit Digital Access Survey
Loading… Lickety Online! Throughout April, we're doing trial online Zoom play sessions every Wednesday. Email Ruby at if you'd like to come! [...]
Lickety Online Play Sessions!
We were very excited to try out our first Lickety Online Play Session last week! We used the platform Zoom to play with families all over Glasgow - in their living rooms! It was [...]
Children’s Guide to Coronavirus 2: Lockdown
👀🎥 An update on the Coronavirus lockdown for children and families, from Virginia at Licketyspit. Also includes lots of hilarious ideas for things to play and do with everyday household objects - from our [...]
Video explaining Coronavirus to children in English, Arabic & Spanish
We know lots of children are wondering what on earth is going on with this Coronavirus, so we made this video to help parents, carers, teachers and other adults explain what's going on. Then [...]
Ibrox Storyplay Celebration Assembly
We rounded off a fantastic five-week Storyplay Residency at Ibrox Primary and Nursery with a joyous whole-school assembly. 10 parents and carers joined us and joined in with all the pupils and teachers in [...]
Upcoming Ibrox Storyplay Celebration Assembly
Families of children from Nursery to P7 are invited to the first ever Storyplay Schools Celebration Assembly at Ibrox Primary. Every child at Ibrox has been working with Licketyspit over the last few weeks [...]
Ibrox Storyplay Week 3
Week 3 Storyplay Residency at Ibrox Primary It was great to be back at Ibrox Primary for a third round of Storyplay! We worked with the Nursery for the first time, as well as [...]
Ibrox Storyplay Week 2
Week 2 Storyplay Residency at Ibrox Primary We had a brilliant time Lickety-playing with Primary 1, Primary 1/2, Primary 4 and Primary 6 on our second day at Ibrox. As well as our Storyplay [...]
Ibrox P1 Reflective Drawing
P1 Playcard Play - Reflective Drawings Ibrox Primary, 19th February 2019 After their first Licketyspit Storyplay Playcard Play session with Taz and Effie, Primary 1 did some fantastic Reflective Drawings which they shared in [...]
Ibrox Storyplay Week 1
Week 1 Storyplay Residency at Ibrox Primary We had a fantastic time working with Primary 5, Primary 3 and Primary 2 on our first day of the Ibrox Storyplay Residency! [...]
Ibrox P6 Reflective Drawing
P6 Playcard Play - Reflective Drawings Ibrox Primary, 19th February 2019 After their first Licketyspit Storyplay Playcard Play session, Primary 6 did some fantastic Reflective Drawings which they shared in class in the Licketyspit [...]
Teacher Feedback
‘I thought it was fantastic, the children thoroughly enjoyed it. They were all engaged and even the ones that I’d identified that maybe wouldn’t engage as much I think they did engage after about 5 or 10 minutes I think they were joining in. All focused, all loving it. They even said to me on the way down the stairs ‘can we get that again?’ which, you hardly get better feedback than that.’
Introduction letter to Ibrox Families (in Arabic, Urdu and English).
Click on the links below to read and download.

Expert Opinion
The work of Licketyspit is of a depth and calibre, which is rarely found. The more parents and practitioners understand and act on the work of Licketyspit, the more young children will be given educational experiences which will serve them well for the rest of their lives.Professor Tina Bruce CBE Early Childhood Education author & Licketyspit Patron & Froebel expert.