About Us
We have been creating theatre and drama-led play projects for children aged 3-12 since 2004, with a focus on the early years.
All of our shows and projects are created with children, for children, and our approach is based on every child’s right to be seen, heard and considered in their community, as well as their right to play and rest.
Our work is also inter-generational – we work with children, their families and teachers to put children and play at the heart of equal, connected, inclusive communities that understand and respect children’s rights and diversity!
We share our methodology and practice with professionals and practitioners working with children and families. You can find more on that in Professionals.
All families with 3-12 year olds are welcome to join our inclusive, supportive Children & Families Network, and attend our Storyplay and Porridge & Play sessions to play, share food and make friends!

Licketyspit’s approach is called Storyplay
Opening doors to imaginary playworlds, to unlock the limitless possibilities of children!
Our schools work includes:
Storyplay Schools, LicketyLeap, Storyplay for the Planet and Porridge & Play.
Our community-based work includes:
BIG Porridge & Play Glasgow, Porridge & Play Hubs, Picnic & Play and Bookplay.
We have six original touring shows:
Molly Whuppie, Wee Witches, Hare & Tortoise, Heelie-Go-Leerie, Magic Spaghetti, Green Whale.
We train actor-pedagogues:
to deliver all of our Storyplay sessions, and draw on our Lickety Playcards – a set of 32 games, rhymes, songs and imaginary play activities, colourfully illustrated to help you keep playing the games at home, school and in the community!
Lickety-Tales and Books:
We also deliver our shows as Lickety-Tales in schools or for community groups. And there are books of Molly Whuppie and Wee Witches, and CDs of Molly Whuppie and Hare & Tortois, where you can listen to the whole play!
Our principle funders are (2022):
The National Lottery Community Fund
The New Scots Integration Fund (part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund)
Glasgow City Council