Storyplay Training
2021-06-08T09:24:02+00:00More and more Children’s services are recognising the importance of play for learning and wellbeing, especially as we begin to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Play is how we learn and grow and build strong relationships. When we are in touch with our playful self we can be relaxed and at our most open - to other people, to new experiences and to new ideas. We can be anyone, do anything, go anywhere! We can adventure! We can be brave! Children are of course the world’s play experts. As adults, we need children and what they show us about humanity as much as children need us. We too need to play! Increasingly, research is showing the value of children playing with adults in bringing added dimensions to children’s play and developing their skills and understanding of ways they can play together – fairly, equally and richly. At Licketyspit, we agree with Vygotsky that there is no reason not to tell or show children things because this assumes a child’s learning is finite. Children are going somewhere we cannot even imagine. So, it’s fine for adults to support children’s play, creating a safe and equal space where they can join in and share their imaginings, skills and ideas. Children will simply take what they want from us. The crucial word here is equal. An equal play space where the adult [...]