Miltonbank P2 Playcard Play


Wednesday 11th March 2020 A lovely session of Playcard Play was had with Primary 2 at Miltonbank this week. After their fantastical adventure with Margaret & Margaret, everyone played the Lickety Playcard games with such great energy and enthusiasm. You can come and learn them too at Porridge & Play next week! (18th March 1-3pm) Everyone quickly learnt the warm up, so many brilliant bears, hares, birds and foxes! We could have played the funky chicken for hours because everyone had such great ideas for animals. We then had a lovely time flying with our balloons high in the sky. We saw lots of friends and families far below - houses that looked like shoe boxes and trees that looked like broccoli! This was followed by fantastic dressing up, wearing jackets back to front, and tights on our head, experimenting with lots of different ways of wearing things. We then had fantastic games of Monster's Footsteps and Witches Fingers, where we really got into the characters of the witches, monsters, trees and granny. We finished the session by blowing up the Magic Ball, undoing our zips and climbing inside! We flew to a castle for a huge feast feast and cooked delicious things on the fire. Then went up the tower to find some magic bunnies who gave us three wishes. We wished to go under the sea and [...]

Miltonbank P2 Playcard Play2020-03-13T13:06:22+00:00

Miltonbank P3 – Session 2


Wednesday 11th March 2020 Blog by Taz: I met the P3 class this morning for the first time. A lively lovely bunch! Even though they hadn’t met me before they were kind and welcoming. We had a good warm-up that everyone seem to enjoy and we got on with playing! Funky Chicken was a fun surprise as many of the children offered fantastic animals: a cheeky cat, a nice fish, an angry alligator, a crazy dolphin... We took a big old trip on our balloons over Europe and then further across the world and after that had another rendition of ‘Grandma, Grandma’. Today we’ve learned a new tune called ‘Miss Mary Mac’ which was a hit with P3 as they really enjoyed singing and doing the actions to Mary Mac’s story! Everyone dressed up with gusto and somehow we ended at the mercy of a pirate Captain called Captain Potato on a pirate ship... After being ordered about but Potato and a few of different Captains Virginia led us through a wee relaxation that opened our imaginations to the creation of characters about to attend a fabulous party! Upon arrival to the party we introduce ourselves to each other. There were grandmas and witches, mermaids, robbers, the king of pineapples, the king of animals, the king of ninjas...all sorts!. We then had our very own individual entrance to the [...]

Miltonbank P3 – Session 22020-03-13T13:07:58+00:00

Miltonbank P4 – Session 2


Monday 2nd March 2020 We had another brilliant session of STORYPLAY with the Primary 4's this week at Miltonbank! Everyone was full of energy, excitement and creativity which was reflected in fantastic dressing up and the amazing drawings that followed! Everyone remembered lots of the warm up and joined in loudly, which really got our bodies and minds ready to go! Lots of great animals were thought of in Funky Chicken, such as the 'squeaking guinea pig' and the 'silly dog!' We flew high above the world in balloons, seeing mountains and rain-forests and even as far as the milky way and meteors! The most exciting part of this session was when we went into the Magic Ball... We landed in the North Pole and it was absolutely freezing cold! Luckily Leah had a huge tent for everyone so we all helped to put it up and managed to quickly get warm inside by lighting a fire and putting on extra layers. There was lots of space for everyone to huddle round the fire so we handed out marshmallows and fish and had a BBQ, it was really delicious! We then went on a walk out into the arctic where Rudolph appeared! He was very excited to see us and was extremely excited to drive us on his hovering spaceship car to try and find Santa! Santa (Kyle) gave us [...]

Miltonbank P4 – Session 22020-03-13T12:40:19+00:00

Miltonbank P7/6 – Session 2


Wednesday 11th March 2020 Primary 7 did the BIG as a HOUSE warm-up and then invented their own! We did Hello my name is Joe! And a hilarious Miss Mary Mac, which got faster & faster! Most people really love the dressing up & created more sensational characters! You’re never too old to enjoy dressing-up but most of us hadn’t done it since P2 or nursery or at all! (Mrs Morton joined this session for the first time and became a spectacular Witch!) We talked about how play opens up the rich imaginations everybody has. The more you use your imagination the easier it is to imagine! It’s like daring to share your ideas or drawing without worrying about what other people might think. Everyone feels that mixture of nervousness and excitement at times in improvised group play. In the Magic Ball Senaria showed us how to make our silk into an Igloo and Liam taught us all how to drill a hole in the ice! We had two further Magic Ball adventures after that – Kerris Sean, Liam and Joel led a bank robbery with Effie and Callum, Aimee and Serania went into space – Callum told us about the Super Nova! We played In the Way of the Word too! You can find out more about the Lickety Playcards and how they support learning and health and [...]

Miltonbank P7/6 – Session 22020-03-13T13:14:33+00:00

LicketyLeap Session 2 – Revisiting & sharing with families!


4th March 2020 It was great to meet again and talk and remember our journey through the BOG over the SEA into the CAVE and up the MOUNTAIN to find our HEART’S DESIRE! We talked about our Heart’s Desire – whether there was something we’d like most in the world that would make us very happy? You can see the children's answers below. We did the whole LicketyLeap adventure again ourselves this week but this week we just did it with a white blanket and two red berets! We pretended to be Happy Margaret and Worried Margaret popping out from behind the curtain to the music – it was very funny! Then we made the blanket into the bog, the sea, under the sea, the cave, the bear, the bird and the mountain! In the morning Kyra, Tierney and Junior were the Bear and in the afternoon it was Lexi, Dale and Euan. The bears roared but they cried when we shouted ‘Poo Poo Bear!’ and we had to clap them to make them feel better and feed them! Liam, Lujain, Iona and Babecer were the Bird – and spoke Bird! They carried us all up the mountain on their backs! We looked down far below us and we could see everything – the Fishy Lady in her Boat (Ewan and Julie were the Fishy Lady); the Bear, [...]

LicketyLeap Session 2 – Revisiting & sharing with families!2021-06-15T13:47:22+00:00

Miltonbank P3 – Session 1


Monday 2nd March 2020 P3 had their first STORYPLAY session with us on Monday with Mr Lindsay, Jack, & Virginia. We were BIG as a BEAR and FAST as a HARE! We did the FUNKY CHICKEN and the NICE CAT and lots of great funny animals! We flew high in our Balloons over Glasgow and the world! We did Grandma Grandma sick in bed and then we dressed up – spectacularly! We played Witches Fingers - and Mr Lindsay was an extremely scary witch! And Monsters Footsteps! We had some great Grannies! Then we climbed into the Magic Ball and went to the moon where we met a sad Moon Creature and sang Happy Birthday and gave him some cake to cheer him up! Then we jumped into a crater and fell down into Kenya! We rode on camels, horses and elephants to the beautiful sea to swim! You can find out more about the Lickety Playcards and how they support learning and health and wellbeing here. We had a great Lickety Art Gallery! You can read some of the children's words below and see all the drawings in a P3. album on our Facebook page. Click here to see it! That’s Macy, That’s Lyle, and that’s MiaCara and that’s Mr Lyndsay! That’s me and a Balloon. Saw the school & a dog. This [...]

Miltonbank P3 – Session 12020-03-06T16:31:39+00:00

Miltonbank P4 – Session 1


Monday 2nd March 2020 It was great to meet Primary 4 at Miltonbank for our first STORYPLAY session this week! We had such a great time playing and imagining together!   As we introduced the class to the Funky Chicken we realised several members of the class had already met our animal friends and they were quick to welcome some exciting new animals to us! James excitedly told us about the Mystery Dog who went ‘who let the dogs out, woof woof woof woof !' and Aderyn said hello to the Cheeky Guinea Pig!   We flew high in our Flying Balloons for the first time and were delighted with how excited and full of ideas the class were. We were also impressed with how observant they were in recalling back what they were seeing and how small they were from way up high – “Our primary school looks so small it looks like a raisin!” We waved hello to Chantelle’s family and watched an elephant walking in the Sahara desert!  The class demonstrated just how creative they are with some truly brilliant dressing up! Benjamin managed to fit 5 different hats on his head! There were some great uses of clothing in some very un-traditional ways and lots of the class drew before and after pictures in the Licketyspit Art Gallery!   We also took a brilliant trip in the Magic Ball – which if you remember you can [...]

Miltonbank P4 – Session 12020-03-06T16:36:42+00:00

Miltonbank P7/6 – Session 1


Monday 2nd March 2020 On Monday afternoon we welcomed the P7/6s to their first STORYPLAY session with us! Virginia told the class all about the importance of play and how beneficial it is to let yourself go and throw yourself into the session and we certainly had that from this class.   We all made ourselves as thin as a pin and as strong as a giant and we felt suitably warmed up for the session.   Sean introduced us to the Mad Dog in the Funky Chicken and Ahmed brilliantly showed us his Crunching Aligator – we look forward to hearing more animal suggestions in our next session…  We flew high above Glasgow in Flying Balloons and managed to fly in and then out of Area 51 before we alerted the authorities, we managed to grab a drink in Irn Bru land and then we flew high above Pakistan. What a trip we went on, travelling all over the world! We sang Grandma Grandma and we met some more Grannies in Monsters Footsteps! This was a very popular game with this group and following some excellent dressing up we weren’t disappointed! We had some stylish businessmen - Liam, Joel, Ahmed and looked very sharp, some unique hat wearing from Wiktor and Callum and a brilliant Alien monster from Kerrie!   We are excited for our next session with the P7/6s and we’re especially looking forward to more fantastic dressing [...]

Miltonbank P7/6 – Session 12020-03-06T10:44:10+00:00

LicketyLeap at Miltonbank – Group 2


25th February 2020 Miltonbank’s Storyplay Residency started with LicketyLeap for Primary Two. 19 children in two groups leaped into the story with Margaret & Margaret! We journeyed through the BOG over the SEA into the CAVE and up the MOUNTAIN to find our HEART’S DESIRES! It was an amazing adventure! At the end Margaret & Margaret flew away in their balloon and a bundle of postcards fell down from the sky – they were for us - thanking us all for going with them to the top of the mountain & being such brave explorers! The journey took us 90 minutes so there is a lot to tell! We’re hoping parents & carers can come to school this week to see a film of the journey – under the sea, catching fish in Fishy ladies boat & cooking them! Jumping ashore to find fruit trees, rock pool and animals in a hole in the ground! We scrambled up to the cave, we saw the bear and we flew on a giant bird before jumping across a great chasm to the summit and zooming back down. Now we feel we can do anything! In Storyplay, the only limits are our imagination! You can see all of our Reflective Drawings on Facebook (some below). You can also read some of what the children said and see some photos below! Parents [...]

LicketyLeap at Miltonbank – Group 22021-06-15T13:50:16+00:00

LicketyLeap at Miltonbank – Group 1


25th February 2020 Miltonbank’s Storyplay Residency started with LicketyLeap for Primary Two. 19 children in two groups leaped into the story with Margaret & Margaret! We journeyed through the BOG over the SEA into the CAVE and up the MOUNTAIN to find our HEART’S DESIRES! It was an amazing adventure! At the end Margaret & Margaret flew away in their balloon and a bundle of postcards fell down from the sky – they were for us - thanking us all for going with them to the top of the mountain & being such brave explorers! The journey took us 90 minutes so there is a lot to tell! We’re hoping parents & carers can come to school this week to see a film of the journey – under the sea, catching fish in Fishy ladies boat & cooking them! Jumping ashore to find fruit trees, rock pool and animals in a hole in the ground! We scrambled up to the cave, we saw the bear and we flew on a giant bird before jumping across a great chasm to the summit and zooming back down. Now we feel we can do anything! In Storyplay, the only limits are our imagination! You can see all of our Reflective Drawings on Facebook (some below). You can also read some of what the children said and see some photos below! Parents & [...]

LicketyLeap at Miltonbank – Group 12021-06-15T13:45:23+00:00

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