Red Bob the Red Blob and the Grumpy Fairy Godmother
2023-03-20T13:48:26+00:00Porridge & Play Cranhill is a Licketyspit Storyplay project for families with 3-8 year olds in the area. Find all of Porridge & Play Cranhill's adventures here! Blog post written by Sarah! We saw lots of stars in Cranhill last week! Wednesday 15th March All of us bravely blasted into space in the Magic Ball and together we space walked with Heather in a strange new atmosphere.... It was light and floaty and made us feel weightless. We tried space-running and bouncing and that felt amazing! Then suddenly an alien came and spoke to us in a funny beeping language that we’d never heard before, but fortunately, Donald and Mohammed were able to understand that the beeping alien was very hungry. Heather gave her chocolate which she ate very quickly and seemed to like very much, then we gave her cake as well. She really seemed to love sweet treats and after those snacks she seemed very happy and waved goodbye to us as she floated off into the atmosphere! Next we discovered a beach with very soft, warm, pale blue sand that you wanted to wiggle your toes in. Zamn took us to some frozen jellyfish who were looking up at us from the edge of the shore. The frozen jellyfish were all the colours of the rainbow and so beautiful to see. Zamn also [...]