The Grown-Ups take charge of play!
2022-08-25T09:58:23+00:00Porridge & Play Cranhill is back! Find out what the Cranhill group get up to in their Porridge & Play Hub adventures each week! Block 3 is all about YOU! We are getting ready to make our AllScot Playcards which will be inspired by all your games and Stories. The AllScot Playcards will be on display at our Storyplay Festival which will be happening on Saturday September 17th! Find all of Porridge & Play Cranhill's adventures here! Blog posts are written by Effie! Block 3 Week 2 of Porridge & Play Cranhill Thursday 11th August A huge thank you to all of our grown-ups for sharing your childhood games and songs with us today. Isn’t it amazing how there are so many similar games across different continents? Folashade came up first to teach us all how to play Tinko Tinko which is a clapping game you can play in pairs. Each player starts with one hand facing up and we move our other hand from the other person's hand back to your own, saying ‘Tinko, Tinko, Tinko’ and then clapping your hands together with your friends. You get faster and faster and faster. Some of you were moving so quickly we could barely see your hands meet! It was amazing. Razieyh told us about a game called Six Houses. You draw out six boxes on the ground [...]