Woodland Creatures in Whiteinch
2022-11-07T14:26:59+00:00Wednesday 2nd November 2022 Well, what a fabulous pack of wolves and woodland creatures we encountered today at Whiteinch! As we gathered in the forest, it was delightful to meet Eeman the kangaroo, Frankey the Fox, Ellie the Magical Animal, Aseel the bat and Zofia Zebra and they were all so friendly. It turned out, that in this forest, as in many, I suspect, the Wolf is the only creature to own a watch and so the animals must ask politely for the time. I say politely, because... We definitely didn’t want to be rude and get eaten as scrumptious snacks by Wolfy! Anyway, we quickly gathered that there were a number of amazing wolves living in this forest and they all had incredibly fancy watches! The first one we happened upon was Rainbow Wolf Juliet and she liked to look for food at 6pm, so we all had to run pretty quickly and hide up the trees so she didn’t catch us. Just when we thought we were home and dry, we found Frankey the football wolf, who’d got his watch from the Galaxy. At 5pm he goes to Morrisons to buy food, so that was lucky for us! He clearly prefers going to the supermarket. Wolf Clare then miraculously appeared and explained that she lives on Cheese Moon and likes to pick up Stinky cheese [...]