Pirates of Govan!!!
2022-11-14T12:52:16+00:00Tuesday 8th November Pirates of Govan!!! We had some new faces in Govan this week as we said hello to Virginia, Paul and Johnny who came along to join Hilde and the usual Govan Gang. We all showed Paul and Virginia how to be as Big As A Bear and then had a lovely dance. Mira saw a fish swimming in the sea and Azeem saw a fish too! Everyone dressed up as pirates and we ran around the Pirate Ship. Pirate Mohammed and Pirate Mujahid swabbed the decks and Pirate Shams and Pirate Ohi hoist the sail. Then there was a knock on the door and to everyone’s surprise a sad Pirate Paul appeared. He was speaking a beautiful language that Hilde said was Punjabi. Punjabi Pirate Paul was sad because it was his birthday and no-one had made a cake for him! It was Pirate Agi’s birthday too so everyone baked fantastic cakes for Pirate Paul and Pirate Agi then sang Happy Birthday to them. What a week in Govan! We can’t wait until the celebration next week. Hilde, Virginia, Paul and Johnny The Licketyspit Art Gallery! Some of your reflective drawings and what you said about them. Coming soon! What you [...]