Over To You #2: Poetry and performance!
2021-03-11T17:40:12+00:00For the next few weeks, we're handing things over to you! As many of you will know, after our Zoom play sessions, and at the end of our Activity Films, we always ask people to share drawings, poems, stories, videos and photos of their creations. Well - the response so far has been incredible! We've been overjoyed by the photos and videos we've received from children and families in our network over the past few weeks, so we're sharing all of the imaginative, creative, funny, delicious-looking things on our channels - on our website, but also Facebook, Twitter and our e-flyer. This week we're celebrating all of the fantastic POEMS and PERFORMANCES we've been sent! The great thing about making up poems or plays is that you can make them about absolutely ANYTHING that pops in to your mind. Also, you don't need anything other than your imagination! Of course, you might want to grab a pencil and a notepad 🖍️ 🗒️ if you want to write it down, or perhaps if you have access to a camera 📹 you could make your own little film?! What would you write about? This week's highlights... Lickety Leader Erin (7) came up with TWO inventive poems during the lockdown period. This first one is inspired by her feelings about the lockdown. Children are so articulate [...]