Spooky woods, a Wolf Queen, and a rainbow lake!
2021-07-02T09:43:59+00:00Welcome to the Big Porridge & Play Online blog, where we share the stories of all the adventures we've had during our virtual play sessions on Zoom! See below for details of how to join. WOW!!! We had the biggest Saturday session EVER this week, with 27 families and 81 participants! And what a brilliant session it was - featuring funny bunnies and grumpy squirrels, a spooky wood, Mr. Wolf and a magic seed! Warming up 🐠🐶We started off with our brand new WARM UP, which is filled with animals inspired by you! 🎵 Can you Flip? Like the Fortunate Fish? Who is making a wish To Dance like the Dizzy Dog?🎶 A game of Spooky Funky Chicken! 🐔 🦁 🐿️ We then delved deep into a spooky wood where we came up with all kinds of animals for a game of FUNKY CHICKEN! We had: Felicia’s Funny Bunny, Tobiloba’s Scary Dragon, Frankey’s Funny Pig, Ayaan’s Funky Chicken, Loraine’s Angry Snake, Esther Glory and Goodness’s Scary Crocodile, Adesayo’s Angry Gorilla, Princess’s Angry Lion, Marvellous’s Grumpy Squirrel, Sylvia’s Cheeky Monkey, Skye & Marlo’s Funny Fox, Meerab’s Angry Caterpillar, Muizameel’s Angry Dinosaur and Anaya and Ayesha’s Naughty Seagull! Wowee! Imagine all of these animals popping out from behind a tree in the spooky wood - eeek! So we just had to dress [...]