Picnic & Play with the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Hubs!

Getting ready for the Storyplay Festival!

Find out what the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Group did during our Picnic & Play session at the Children’s Wood!

Wednesday 10th July

Last Picnic & Play of the season with our Castlemilk & Whiteinch Friends!

One last Picnic & Play at the Meadow & Children’s Wood with families from Castlemilk and families from Whiteinch before we all meet again at Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival on Saturday! Whoohoo!

Everyone was up for a good time outdoors!. We had shelter in case it rained, nice food to share and a bunch of friends to play with so the perfect ingredients for a perfect Picnic & Play time.

Virginia told us all about Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival happening this Saturday from 12pm. Many Licketyspit families from all over Glasgow will come along and gather for a full day of fun. Families from Govan, Maryhill, Cranhill, Bridgeton and families who play with Licketyspit online will join Castlemilk and Whiteinch families and at the woods they will have their very own spots or DENS where they’ll be able to share their favourites games and invite guests at the Festival to take a look at images of what they have been up to during their Licketyspit sessions! There will be a Wishing Tree where you can write and hang twice wishes for everyone! There will be a Dressing Up & Photo-Booth Station and of course big circle games for all to join. And a big great PICNIC!

Today we had a good warm up and a fun ‘My Name is & I Like’ game and of course we played ‘Funky Chicken’ all in our circle before singing ‘Jelly On His Head’ while marching through the meadow and into our spot in the woods where will have the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Den!

Now this den spot is great! It is big enough to play Tree Tig, Witches Fingers and Monsters Footsteps and you can believe that because we did exactly that and it got us all hungry!

Off we went to our sheltered area where we sat on tree trunks to have our Picnic and after fuelling up on lovely fruit, cheese, tomatoes, bread and eggs some felt energetic enough again and went off for a play in the sand pit, the trees, the wooden frames and the spider web!.

It was time for some portrait making and we all got inspired and made fantastic bunting with all our faces on it to decorate our Den for the Festival!

After that we had a very funny round of ‘I Sent A Letter To My Love’ with some of our younger friends getting right into it!.

What a nice chilled day with our friends out in the lovely Meadow & Children’s Woods.

We can’t wait to see you again on Saturday and play together with you and all of our other Licketyspit friends. See you there!

Lots of love,

Andre, Sarah, Virginia, Steven, Taz & the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Friends

Visit the Porridge & Play Page
Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

What’s Happening?

Find out more about what’s happening at Licketyspit by clicking on the button.

Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com