Porridge & Play Castlemilk Week 2

Porridge & Play Castlemilk 2024

Castlemilk Blog!

The sun was shining in the windows of Castlemilk Library and because most of us arrived early we had so much time for Storyplay! That’s the way we like it!

Woo hoo!

Everyone is really getting great at imagining they can be anyone, do anything and go anywhere! It’s so fantastic hearing all your great ideas and meeting all your amazing characters in the games!

Andre led a wonderful Dancing Warm-Up before we met the Extraordinary Elephant, the Happy Cow, the Furry Dog, the Happy Butterfly, the Happy Monkey, the Happy Giraffe, the Angry Tiger, the Happy Dog, the Cute Kitten, the Angry Gorilla and of course – uh oh! The Dying Fly! Then we dressed up as Forest Creatures! Poppy was Dotty The Cheetah, Ingrid a White Eagle, Jese became a Lion and Avery was a Squirrel. There was Mel’s Green Dragonfly, Susie’s Green Snake, Jessica introduced us to Moffat the butterfly and Claire was a Fox (with a big foxy tail!). We discovered that Fraser had turned into a Rabbit and Max had become an Armadillo! Maria was a Wildcat and Abu was a Flying Monster! – to name a few!!

Now in this forest we discovered there were lots of Wolves! There was Fraser Wolf living in dark cave eating slugs. Wolf Abu who lived inside a working machine – he just presses a button to open the door and eats rocks (and forest creatures!). Wolf Jessica lives in a big house all by herself where she can be found baking cakes and eating pancakes!; Wolf Jese lives with baby wolf-cubs in a cave and eats candy! Wolf Max lives in a hollow hole in a high tree and bakes cookies! And Wolf Mel and Wolf cub Avery lives in a cave and sleeps in a hammock!

Now, the only Forest Creatures who know what the time is are the Wolves. This is because all of the wolves have the most fantastic Watches! Each Wolf LOVES their watch, it’s their prize possession and they are very proud of them.

Fraser Wolf has a blue watch; Wolf Abu’s watch is a silver Rolex! Wolf Jese has a green watch that his Mum gave him. Wolf Jessica’s watch is purple! Wolf Max’s watch fell from the sky one day and Wolf Avery showed us his beautiful green watch.

The other forest creatures would all love to have watches like the wolves! They absolutely love seeing them telling the time – and it is always a surprise to discover what they are doing! So they ask them “Whats the Time Mr Wolf?” and find out that at 2 O’clock, Wolf Abu plays football and Wolf Max likes to bake! At 2 O’clock, Wolf Fraser likes to draw! At 6 O’clock, Wolf Jese eats Candy, at 4 O’clock, Wolf Cub Avery likes dancing and at 1 O’clock, Wolf Jessica goes swimming!

BUT sometimes, of course, the forest creatures ask the time and Oh No! they discover that it is Mr Wolf’s DINNER TIME!

And they have to run for their lives so they don’t turn into Mr Wolf’s DINNER!


After doing our Reflective Drawing (so much to draw!) we sat round the table to eat. This week Jamie at the Library had found us books about ……Forest Creatures (& other animals!) so we chose a book to take out.

The Gallery and everyone’s pictures were fantastic! We were all agog!

After the Gallery Sarah taught us the hilarious Scottish song THREE CRAWS about the Craw who “Couldna Flee Ataaa!” The Craw who “Fell and broke his jaw!” the Craw who was ‘Greetin’ for his Maw!” and the Craw who ‘Wasna there Ataw!”

And then – because we had time we had a lovely game of – I Sent a Letter to my Love!

Before we did the Magic Clap, Poppy and Jese told us about the Library books they’d borrowed last week. It was so interesting to hear about Poppy’s book about Deep Sea Creatures where she’d read all about Sea Turtles! And Jese had taken a book about Paris where he had read all about 10 different kinds of cheese!

We can’t wait to hear next week about some of the books that went home this week!

Please come as close as you can to 3.50pm again next week to start at 4pm sharp so we have another really full and relaxed and fun session! THANK YOU!

Love, Cami, Andre, Virginia & all at Licketyspit


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



‘Me as the wolf playing football. The rabbit in the forest and the trees and the cave and these are the birds. The clock.’

‘Butterfly, a lollipop, love heart air balloons and a watch and a snake and some birds.’

‘All of us in the forest. Here’s my hole in the tree.Wolf, monster, fox, wildcat and dragonfly.’


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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com