Porridge & Play Govan Week 3

Porridge & Play Govan 2024

Govan Blog!

Witches, potions & a Magic Ball adventure!!!

The sun was shining in Govan today and our lovely space for Porridge & Play was full of sun rays!

Storyplay began with a warmup that is also a story full of action! Have you heard about Joe who works in a buttons factory? He has a wife and three kids, and his boss is very demanding…

We all got involved with ‘Hello! My name is Joe’ and got warmed up and ready to imagine!

We all needed to get ready to attend a very important event…a Witch Convention. So, we transformed into the most fabulous witches with our very own way of dressing up: using old clothes and turning them into all sorts of fantastic bits to create our own character!

The Witch Convention was compered by Witchy Tail Hair and her assistant Witchy Such & Such and they went around meeting and greeting all the other witches and they even interviewed a few!

Witchy Mohammad lives in the sky and is magic! Watch out.

Witchy Like Mohammad lives where Mohammad lives and he tricks people with their shoes… he he he!

Witchy Evangelina lives in the sky where it’s very fluffy and comfortable. She loves sunny side up eggs and makes cloud potions. Yum!

Witchy Safa lives in a castle pink with slime. Her favourite potion to make is made with nothing and it makes people grow curly hair. Very stylish!

Witchy Shada lives in different types of shoes, sometimes in a Castle Shoe. She lives with two people; one is messy and the other helps her. She makes a potion that makes ugly witches beautiful – this was much discussed amongst the witches!

Witchy Imaan makes a potion that makes people tiny. Very, very tiny!

Witchy Prew lives in a shoe castle that is pink. She lets random people live with her and her fave potion makes people blind. (She was rather evil!)

All the Witches then had a hoot playing their favourite game: Witches Fingers! And they loved it because it’s a game about tricking people! He he he!

But the fun did not end there for Witchy Safa had something in her pocket that she didn’t know about…a Magic Ball!!!

A Magic Ball is one the most exciting things one can experience. This tiny wee ball can be blown up huge, big enough for us all to fit in it! We open the zipper, and we step inside the great big Magic Ball and together we chat about where we’d like to go. Then 3 times chant the magic words:

Magic Ball Magic Ball take us where we want to go!

Magic Ball Magic Ball take us where we want to go!

Magic Ball Magic Ball take us where we want to go!


Now the most exciting thing about the Magic Ball is that you never know where you are going to end up but what is for sure is that you will have a one-off adventure with all of your friends.

We landed in a soft play and as we bounced about, we discovered that we were in fact in a bouncy bog where Witchy Bogy lived. Witchy Bogy used to make tons of potions but these days she couldn’t remember how! Luckily for her we were there ready to share our Witchy knowledge and help her make a fantastic potion mixing ingredients like vanilla ice cream, snails, strawberries and unicorn slime. Wait, what? Where will we get Unicorn Slime?

You won’t believe it but Witchy Bogy had a Unicorn friend, but the Unicorn wasn’t very slimy at all since it hadn’t played a game in ages and it was bored and annoyed… eek!

And so the Witches thought…what about a game of Funky Chicken to cheer you up, Unicorn?

And what a game it was! The Unicorn had so much fun that it gave us some of the rare Unicorn slime and we finished the potion! And it turned out to be a Turning Potion!

Each and every Witch tasted the potion and turned into their very own animal:

Rodeyna and Firas turned into donkeys!

Mira was a kitten!

Shada was a snake!

Afira a swimming dolphin!

Eleen a wee donkey!

Zakiyah a flying bee!

And Shamaila – a lion that roared!!

A quick Returning Spell by Sadeen turned us all back into Witches and we set off to find the Magic Ball throwing fantastic shapes that looked like a funny dance!

What a great Storyplay session this week!

And next week…. PARTY! WOHOO!

Sarah, Cami, Taz & The Govan Friends


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



A love heart and a house. A sun. That’s my mum.

This is my mum and that’s me and that’s my friend Hanyia

And that’s the sun and that’s a carpet, a magic carpet.


This is the witches fingers and these are the fingers touching it this is the magic ball and this is the crazy monkey!


In Partnership With

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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com