Porridge & Play Week 4 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!

Porridge & Play Bridgeton 2024

Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East!

Friday 24th May 2024

A great session to finish another great block at Bridgeton!

The families arrived with their nicest clothes on – ready for the celebration. Fortunately, everyone remembered to wear their dancing shoes! We got the celebration started with a dancing warm-up and everybody showed off their best moves. The party started off strong.

After some funky dance moves we decided to meet some Funky Animals with a quick game of Funky Chicken! We met Galyna’s Funky Tiger & Miia’s Crazy Cat! We also met Rasha’s Meowing Cat & Mohammed’s Happy Dog! Cami was a Bumbling Bonobo & Ruby was a Slithering Snake!

We sang Ickerickeroo which is a big hit for the Bridgeton group – it’s a great way to remember those Scottish words for body parts! My ee-peepers saw that everyone enjoyed singing together.

Then we all blew up our balloons and flew high above Glasgow and saw some crazy things! – a big silver snake which was really scary but turns out it was just the River Clyde! Although next to the Clyde we saw a huge dinosaur and a gorilla! No need to worry though, they were just having a relaxing day in the park.

We flew right across the city and made it all the way to the beach! The weather was lovely so we thought ‘why not?’. There were people with umbrellas making sand castles. But no ordinary sand castles – these were enormous! We almost crashed into one from our balloons! After the excitement, we decided to fly down and get some food – someone was selling chicken on the beach. We all got some chicken but it came in such unusual flavours. We had mushroom flavoured, lentil flavoured, pizza flavoured, chocolate flavoured, potato flavoured and even candy flavoured!! I don’t know what the chicken chef is putting into his food but it was so good!!

After the food we decided to fly even higher into the sky. We went so high that we saw the whole world below us! We flew across the sky and ended up in a strange part of the world I didn’t recognise. Far below was an island with a massive castle in the middle and high on the castle was a Princess, waving! It was very cold but luckily we had snow suits and chicken to warm us up! We flew onto the peak of a mountain and we all skied all the way down to the bottom!

Suddenly the Princess appeared who said had been waiting for us! She made us a fire and we all sat round and got comfy. It had been such a long journey. We were so exhausted that we fell asleep by the fire. Lovely!

When we woke up, we were magically brought back to Bridgeton! After some Reflective Drawing it was time for our Celebration Feast. As well as Steven’s lentil soup and delicious fruit including a pomegranate! Samia had made us Gheema which is a yummy Sudanese dish made with chicken and potato. Arafa had cooked us Zalabiya which are yummy Sudanese doughnuts. Ouzaz had made a spectacular chocolate cake. Zahra had baked a traditional Sudanese cardamom & yogurt cake & Galyna, Miia & Lukas had made vegan cupcakes with avocado & banana! It was all completely wonderful & delicious!

Thank you to everyone whose come to all these lovely Bridgeton Porridge & Play sessions. We’ve had so much fun playing with you all. But don’t worry, the fun doesn’t stop here! Licketyspit are hosting special summer sessions so it’s goodbye-for now, not forever!

We’ll be in touch soon about Picnic & Play on Sat 6th July and our Storyplay Festival on Sat 13th July! We hope you enjoy your Playcards and keep Storyplaying into the Summer! Keep in touch! We always love to hear from you –CFN@Licketyspit.com or Whatsapp 07413 800 342 will reach us! We always reply!

Lots of love,

Steven, Andre, Cami, Virginia, Iona & Ruby


We almost always do ‘Reflective drawing’ at the end of a Storyplay session. It’s nice to relax and draw & think about what we’ve all done & how we feel about it.

Reflective drawing isn’t about doing a ‘good’ drawing – it’s about drawing whatever comes into your head when you think about what you’ve just done.

But as you draw you realise more about what you thought or imagined in the session. And it’s great to share that with everyone & hear what they thought! So many things go on in Storyplay!

Here are our Reflective Drawings from this week! Below is some of what we said!



‘3 balloons and four’
‘It’s a balloon to Sudan’
‘It’s the princess, the castle, love hearts, grass. Her name is Emma. She likes to draw’

Favourite part – flying balloons

This is the mountain, this is the fire, that’s me and that’s the house and there’s the balloons. The beach!’


Favourite part – balloons!

‘It’s colourful! Colours, pink, colour, black, colour is black, colour is blue, pink, colour is green and I got green’

‘I like to circle and funky chicken. I am happy with the funky chicken and the ‘what did you say?’’

‘This is funky chicken’
‘This is happy face and sad face and spider’
‘It’s a balloon and it’s pink. Magic ball’
‘Balloon, balloon. mummy, daddy and baby, dada, yes, daddy, dada, dada’
‘Rainbow. Red, orange, green, purple’


Favourite part – food!

‘This is the princess on the island with the castle, this is the sun, this is the mountain we landed on and that’s us having a little sleep by the fire’

In Partnership With

Visit the Porridge & Play Page
Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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Volunteer with us

We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com