Porridge & Play Week 4 at Cranhill Development Trust!

Porridge & Play Cranhill 2024

Find out what the Cranhill Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at Cranhill Development Trust!

Thursday 23rd May

Goodbye for now – not forever!

We had such a fabulous time at Licketyspit this week!

Our adventures took us deep into the forest, where we found a sunny glade full of marvellous creatures! Pela the Rabbit was hiding under a big old oak tree and Stella, a fluttering butterfly, sat on a beautiful sunflower and seemed to know all the creatures in the forest! We listened as the birds sang a joyful song when suddenly we heard a loud howling sound. At first, we didn’t know where the sound was coming from. Then, a very fancy Wolf appeared with a very fancy watch! It was Genesis the Wolf who lived in a cave at the edge of the forest and it turned out her wolfy friend had given her the gold watch.

Wolfy Genesis told us she liked to dance in the afternoon, so we had a good old boogie with her and then helped her clean her cave in the evening. She had a beautiful cave lined with red velvet and gold brocade and lots of soft cushions. It was so exciting to actually see inside a real wolfy cave! As we made our way along the path at the edge of the forest, we bumped into Tiger Wolf Jack, who was just leaving his huge volcano house which looked very hot, but Tiger Wolf Jack said he loved the heat and when we asked what he was having for his dinner, he said he normally likes to eat zebras and he was off to find one! As if there hadn’t been enough Wolfy excitement, we then found Amber Wolf as we headed back through the forest and she showed us a very sparkly watch she’d been given by her Wolfy stepmum. Amber Wolf liked to eat mice and humans and also Wolfy potions. It turned out she lived right next door to Wolfy Adam who much preferred fruity snacks like apples,melons, rainbows and bananas. He liked to swim in the afternoon, but at 5pm, he said it was dinnertime, so we all munched on fruit salad, then headed back toward the sunny glade.

Andre wanted to go for a trip in the Magic Ball, but I couldn’t find it! Luckily the forest creatures all helped and when we found it, Ryan suggested we go to Paris, Amber thought Disneyland would be good and Genesis fancied going to a cafe. Stella suggested the beach and after singing the magic song, we actually ended up on the beach! It felt so wonderful to bury our toes in the warm sand and build so many sandcastles, that it looked like Sandcastle Land!

While we were digging, Virginia found a mysterious door which ended up taking us down a tunnel to Disneyland Paris. The first thing we saw were some fabulous waterslides, so we all climbed the ladders and went flying down together! As we splashed into the water we discovered Jack the Jellyfish who had somehow got stuck in the swimming pool and was unable to get home! Poor Jack, he looked so sad! Luckily, Ryan was able to speak Jellyfish language and after giving him some cake to eat, Amber flew us to Treasure island on her special plane so we could release Jack back into the sea with all his jellyfish friends. He looked so much happier in the sea! No sooner had Jack wobbled back into the water than Pirate Smelly Socks suddenly appeared and announced she liked to eat jellyfish! Virginia had an idea to make a fire and we all collected wood, even Captain Smelly Socks, when suddenly Captain Stinky Boots appeared and had some pirating jobs he needed done. He enlisted the help of Captain Ryan and Captain Solin and we all scrubbed the decks, walked the plank, climbed the rigging and managed to survive multiple shark attacks! By this time, we were quite tired, so we all lay down and had a nice rest in the soft sand. I don’t know how long we slept for, but we suddenly realised we needed to get back home to Cranhill and fortunately Yasna knew where the Magic Ball was, so she threw it up high for us all to catch. We flew across many far off lands until finally we unzipped the Magic Ball and found we were safely back in Glasgow! Of course after such an adventure, we were all very hungry travellers and really glad to have such a lovely selection of delicious food to eat with all our family and friends.

Lots of love,

Sarah, Andre, Steven, Virginia & Iona



‘That’s a pirate from the ship, that’s the jellyfish thats eating him and he’s screaming thats everyone in the magic ball. Me, Leah, and mum. That’s me, I’m dressed up. That’s the wolf, that’s the clock, that’s a fish, that’s Joe’s buttons’

Favourite part – my name is Joe


‘This is the watch from Mr. Wolf, this is Joe pushing the btuton. This ie me dressed as a troll wolf. This is my sandcastle, jack the jellyfish and a pirate ship’

Favourite part – all of it!


‘Boat, that’s a hill and my daddy. In the boat, the jellyfish, that’s a jelly, this is a ice cream and again jellyfish’


‘A fish, a bubble and a jellyfish, a turtle’

Favourite part – dressing up


‘I just drew a random thing like emojis’

Favourite part – the food


‘That’s a jellyfish and the magic ball. a butterfly’

Favourite part – everything!


‘This is the magic ball, this is the jellyfish that we saw and this is the butterfly and those are hearts are for you because you teach me and played me’

Favourite part – everything!

‘It’s the magic ball and they’re saying magic ball, magic ball and the bridge and some cones’

Favourite part – playing!


‘That’s a mermaid and a jellyfish cause that’s what we saw when we were on the desert island and there was a dolphin and some treasure as well’

Favourite part – driving the plane!


‘A mermaid, some bubbles here and some fish’

Favourite part – drawing


‘So, this is my name is Joe and the wolf there’s the wolf’

Favourite part – my name is Joe

‘That’s us doing the magic ball and that’s the time Mr Wolf’

Favourite part – everything!

‘This is lion and this is tree and this squirrel and this is flowers and this is flower too and sun and slide. Eyes and a mouth and my name’

‘This is animals in the forest, this is a lion, this is a cheetah and this is an elephant. Magical ball and these are stars that mean they’re magic’

Favourite part – everything!


‘So, we got the fox and the forest the pirate ship, what’s the time Mr. Wolf and the fish and the beach and the magic ball’

Favourite part – everything!

‘The jellyfish and the water and the magic ball. That’s the water’


Favourite part – everything!


‘I draw her and you and there and there and there and there and there over there’

Favourite part – doing this and there and now

‘So, it’s the rainbow and a river and some trees and my brother’
‘That’s a castle and that’s the door and that’s the bed and that’s the living room. That’s a slide’


Favourite part – dressing up

‘That’s the kids, that’s me, thats my house’


Favourite part – everything!

‘This was the jellyfish, that’s the watch, my magic ball with me and the kids and a unicorn’


Favourite part – dressing up


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Come & Play!

There’s lots of ideas and activities to get you playing at home. Try our interactive videos! Including…

  • Making with Iona
  • Cooking with Taz
  • Exploring with Jack
  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

and many more!

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We have some Lickety Mums who volunteer at our Porridge & Play sessions as Storyplay Champions.

If you would like to find out more about Storyplay Champion training and volunteering, click on this button or get in touch with us on cfn@licketyspit.com